The day after having a Texas Trinity (plus) at Dayne's we put this 12 lb brisket on our little bullet smoker. As usual, we had to cut it in half to fit with the point on the top rack and the flat on the lower rack. The only seasoning was our usual Green's All N 1. After 6 hours of heavy smoking with pecan and oak from the trees in our yard, the two halves went into a big cooking bag and into the oven at 250 for 3 more hours.
The internal temperature was a perfect 202 when we pulled it from the oven and it went onto a cooler lined with towels to rest overnight (the Vencil Mares method). In the morning it was still warm and perfect for slicing. Was it as good as Dayne's? Maybe. If not it was darned close. It was definitely cheaper and I didn't miss the sitting in construction traffic on I-30 part. Now if I could just perfect that chocolate lasagna recipe...