Sunday, May 26, 2024

Brisket smoke 5/26/24


As often happens, choice brisket is on sale this weekend for Memorial Day.  My Mrs picked up a couple for $1.87/lb, more than half off.  Today is one of the few days where thunderstorms are supposedly not going to pop up, so I thought we'd better get one on the smoker.

I did my usual process, trimming off about 2 pounds of excess fat, cutting in half for our little bullet smoker, and sprinkling liberally with Green's All N 1 rub.  It went on the smoker at 10:15 am with charcoal, oak, and pecan wood.  A wind storm had conveniently dropped a nice dry pecan limb in our yard last night and it is going right into the smoker.  We should have some tasty brisket ready about 8:30 tonight.

When I took the trimmed fat and trash out to the trash can, I found this little lady nearby digging a hole for her eggs.  She was working low and slow, just like our smoker.
I think it is a red eared slider and the eggs will probably be unfertilized, but I will put a protection cage around them anyway.  We'll know in 60-90 days.  If she hangs around maybe I will take her some brisket.
After 6 hours in the smoker, we pulled the brisket halves and wrapped them in Reynolds cooking bags.
Next they went into the oven for another 4 hours at 250 degrees.  After checking the temp at a perfect 202 degrees, they went into a cooler to rest overnight. 
The result was tender, moist, smokey brisket that will keep us smiling all week long.  

Miss red ears vamoosed so we didn't even have to share.