Another long time favorite of ours and they almost never disappoint. While I waited for them to pack my 5 boxes of jalapeno cheese sausage (2 1/2 going to other folks) Scott went around and ordered some ribs and brisket for breakfast. While he was off ordering drinks and such, I snuck a few bites and they were mighty fine. The brisket was extra tender and very smokey. I had one bite of rib, and it was tough, but also very smokey. Scott said his ribs were tender and great. I still say their jalapeno cheese sausage is the best in the world and I'm still looking for some place to prove me wrong. Kreuz has made a few startling changes recently. They now accept credit cards (they always did on mail orders anyway) and have, gasp, salads! Next thing you know they will have sauce and forks! Damn yuppies!! Ha ha. I don't care. They still have the best sausage in the world, to my mouth.

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