Friday, September 25, 2009

Novosad's BBQ and Sausage Market - Halletsville, Texas

sampled 9/25/09 around noon

According to the sign on the door, we would have better luck here today and, sure enough, the sign was gone and they were open for business. Inside is a tiny meat market and a small BBQ operation, one of the smaller joints we have sampled this trip. The brisket was tough and chewy and had no smoke flavor. Scott said the first slice he had was great, but the others weren't. The 2 ribs I had were tiny, including a rib tip, and both were chewy, except one end of the bigger rib. That one bite was awesome, the rest was a chore. I think next time I will need to sample from deeper inside the rack. Scott said his were nice. Ah well, it all depends on when you stand in line! The sausage was very tasty but a bit dry. A coarse grind with a nice mild mix of spices. The highlight of the stop, for me. The tater salad was an average mayo blend with coarse potato chunks. The sauce was heavy on the vinegar and a mix of tomato and mustard. Maybe they were off a bit because they had been closed the last 3 days. We'll give them another shot on another day, but today they were not worth the trip.

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